So remember that blog I did a while back, for the Cerebal Palsy fundraiser? Well, the mister, a friend and myself came across a person who said they had a friend who added a substance to their coffee every morning. While hilarious to envision, our curiosity was genuinely peaked. The Rum Chatta smells a bit like coffee and looks like creamer, so it was inevitable as to what we were going to do...especially with the forehand knowledge that it functions so nicely as a substitute for cafe au lait. Of course we made sure that we were still sober...we had just enough to change the color and taste of the coffee. As someone mentioned, put some sugar in the cip and it's just like a regular cup o' long as you don't have 10 cups.
But the food...the Rum Chatta was just an excuse to get to the restaurant...the food was great! Every morning on my way to work, I turn south at the intersection of Summer and Graham. In the years that I've driven that route, I've never noticed Bryant's. Located at 3965 Summer Ave, the restaurant is located approximately 50 feet from the intersection. I suppose I'm focused on coming in and working like a maniac for 8 hours a day. Or maybe not. Either way, I was stunned that it took so long for me to get here.
We entered fairly early, literally beating the crowd. By the time that we placed our order, the line was along the counter and wrapped back around to the other end of the restaurant. If that's any indication of the quality and desirability of the food, by the time we finished, that continuing line was wrapped out of the restaurant and down the side of the building...before 10 am...
There is quite an extensive menu to choose from and they sell lunch in addition to the breakfast for which they are famous. It was difficult for me to decide, because everything looked so delicious, but I quickly settled on the Breakfast Special:
Yes, this breakfast was special! |
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